Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Jouwe

Nicolaas Jouwe

Nombre Nicolaas
Nacidas el November 24, 1923
Murió el September 16, 2017 (aged 93)
Nacidas en Indonesia

Nicolaas Jouwe was a Papuan leader who was elected vice president of the New Guinea Council that governed the Dutch colony of Netherlands New Guinea. As the president of the New Guinea Council was the Dutch civil servant Frits Sollewijn Gelpke, Jouwe was the highest ranking Papuan politician in the colony. After the colony was ceded to the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in October 1962 and subsequently to Indonesia six months later, he left New Guinea for the Netherlands, where he settled in the town of Delft. He vowed never to return to his native land if it were still occupied by Indonesia, but returned in 2010 to die there.

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