Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Johnathan

The Amazing Johnathan

Nombre The
Nacidas el September 9, 1958 (age 66)

John Edward Szeles, better known by the stage name The Amazing Johnathan, is an American stand-up comedian and magician. His act is mostly composed of hijinks, interaction with one specific audience member, and a few legitimate magic tricks. From 2001 to 2014, he was a year-round headliner in Las Vegas. Self-described as the "Freddy Krueger of Comedy", Szeles performs wearing his everpresent headband and his shows frequently use gore, such as pretending to suck on his own hanging eyeball, cutting his wrists, and skewering his own tongue. He is also good friends with fellow performer Criss Angel, and has helped Angel perform a variety of illusions, most notably during his three guest appearances on Mindfreak.

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