Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Jepsen

Carly Rae Jepsen

Nombre Carly
Nacidas en Canada, British Columbia
Altura 157 cm | 5'2

Carly Rae Jepsen es una cantautora canadiense.

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Maria Jepsen

Nombre Maria
Apellido Jepsen
Nacidas el January 19, 1945 (age 80)

Maria Jepsen is the former bishop of Hamburg in the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church. On 4 April 1992 the synod of the Hamburg Ambit elected her bishop, the first Lutheran woman to be a bishop worldwide, and since then she has been re-elected for a second ten-year period.

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Erling Jepsen

Nombre Erling
Nacidas el May 14, 1956 (age 68)

Erling Jepsen is a Danish author and playwright whose output primarily deals with his hometime of Gram and the culture in the surrounding region of Southern Jutland. His novel Frygtelig lykkelig was adapted into the 2008 neo-noir thriller Terribly Happy, and his autobiographical novel Kunsten at Græde i Kor (The Art of Crying) was adapted into the 2006 film The Art of Crying.

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Conny Jepsen

Nombre Conny
Nacidas el January 8, 1921
Murió el February 3, 1989 (aged 68)

Conny Jepsen was a retired badminton player from Denmark and Sweden.

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Trine Jepsen

Nombre Trine
Nacidas el September 29, 1977 (age 47)

Trine Randbo Jepsen , es una cantante y presentadora de televisión danesa. Conocida por haber representado a su país en el Festival de Eurovisión 1999 junto a Michael Teschl.

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Knud E. Jepsen

Nombre Knud
Apellido Jepsen
Nacidas el November 30, 1929 (age 95)
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Jeppe Jepsen

Nombre Jeppe
Nacidas el June 28, 1951 (age 73)
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