Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Islam

María en el islam

Nombre Mary
Apellido Islam

María, en árabe: مريم, romanizada: Maryam, la madre de Jesús (Isa), ocupa un lugar singularmente exaltado en el Islam como la única mujer nombrada en el Corán, que se refiere a ella setenta veces y la identifica explícitamente como la más grande de todas las mujeres, declarando, en referencia a la salutación angélica durante la anunciación: Oh María, Dios te ha escogido y te ha purificado; te ha escogido por encima de todas las mujeres de la creación. En el Corán, su historia está relatada en tres capítulos de la Meca y cuatro capítulos de Medina, y el decimonoveno capítulo de la Escritura, titulado «María», lleva su nombre. El Corán se refiere a María más a menudo que el Nuevo Testamento.

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Joseph in Islam

Nombre Joseph
Apellido Islam

Yūsuf ibn Yaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq ibn ʾIbrāhīm is a prophet mentioned in the Quran, and corresponds to Joseph, a person from the Tanakh, the Jewish religious scripture, and the Christian Bible, who was estimated to have lived in the 16th century BCE. It is one of the common names in the Middle East and among Muslim nations. Of all of Jacob's children, Joseph was the one given the gift of prophecy. Although the narratives of other prophets are mentioned in various Surahs, the complete narrative of Joseph is given only in one Surah, Yusuf, making it unique. It is said to be the most detailed narrative in the Qur'an and bears more details than the Biblical counterpart.

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Solomon in Islam

Nombre Solomon
Apellido Islam

Sulaymān ibn Dāwūd was, according to the Quran, a Malik and Nabī (Prophet) of the Israelites. Islamic tradition generally holds that he was the third King of Jewish people, and wise ruler for the nation.

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Kazi Nazrul Islam

Nombre Kazi
Apellido Islam
Nacidas el May 24, 1899
Murió el August 29, 1976 (aged 77)
Nacidas en India

Kazi Nazrul Islam fue un poeta, músico, revolucionario y filósofo bengalí, quién inició los trabajos poéticos que exponen la rebelión espiritual intensa contra la ortodoxia y la opresión.

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Kanat Islam

Nombre Kanat
Nacidas el September 13, 1984 (age 39)
Altura 179 cm | 5'10

Hanati Silamu –en chino, 獎牌記錄– es un deportista chino que compitió en boxeo.

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Aktar Islam

Nombre Aktar
Nacidas el April 8, 1980 (age 44)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Aktar Islam is a multiple award-winning English Michelin starred chef, restaurateur and entrepreneur. He left the Lasan Group in 2016 to work on his new, flagship project, Opheem 1 Michelin star and launched his new Italian restaurant, Legna Michelin guide listed in winter 2018. His new group of restaurants concentrate on celebration of ingredients and are dedicated to gastronomy. Both Opheem and Legna have opened to critical acclaim and Opheem has received its first Michelin star in October 2019 and is the first and only Michelin starred indian restaurant in the UK outside of London. Pulperia; an Argentine restaurant built around the celebration of beef opened its doors in March 2020 and has gone on to become the only Michelin listed Steak restaurant in Birmingham.

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Job in Islam

Nombre Job
Apellido Islam

Job is considered a prophet in Islam and is mentioned in the Quran. Job's story in Islam is parallel to the Hebrew Bible's story, although the main emphasis is on Job remaining steadfast to God; there is no mention of Job's discussions with friends in the Qur'anic text, but later Muslim literature states that Job had brothers, who argued with the man about the cause of his affliction. Some Muslim commentators also spoke of Job as being the ancestor of the Romans. Islamic literature also comments on Job's time and place of prophetic ministry, saying that he came after Joseph in the prophetic series and that he preached to his own people rather than being sent to a specified community. Tradition further recounts that Job will be the leader in Heaven of the group of "those who patiently endured".

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Qamar ul Islam

Nombre Qamar
Apellido Islam
Nacidas el January 27, 1948
Murió el September 18, 2017 (aged 69)
Nacidas en India

Qamar ul Islam, generally referred to as Qamar Sab was an Indian politician who was the Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha from Kalaburagi and secretary of All India Congress Committee (AICC) incharge of Kerala. He served as the Cabinet Minister for Housing and Labour, Minister of Municipal Administration, Public Enterprises and Minister of Wakf and the MLA from Kalaburagi-North constituency for the state of Karnataka.

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David en el Islam

Nombre David
Apellido Islam

The biblical David, who was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, reigning c. 1010–970 BCE, is also venerated in Islam as a prophet and messenger of God, and as a righteous, divinely-anointed monarch of the ancient United Kingdom of Israel, which itself is revered in Islam. Additionally, Muslims also honor David for having received the divine revelation of the Psalms. Mentioned sixteen times in the Quran, David appears in the Islamic scripture as a link in the chain of prophets who preceded Muhammad. Although he is not usually considered one of the "law-giving" prophets, "he is far from a marginal figure" in Islamic thought. In later Islamic traditions, he is praised for his rigor in prayer and fasting. He is also presented as the prototypical just ruler and as a symbol of God's authority on earth, having been at once a king and a prophet. David is particularly important to the religious architecture of Islamic Jerusalem.

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Jacob in Islam

Nombre Jacob
Apellido Islam

Yaˈqūb ibn Isḥāq ibn Ibrāhīm يَعْقُوب إِبْنُ إِسْحَٰق إِبْنُ إِبْرَاهِيم, also known as Jacob, is a prophet in Islam. He is acknowledged as a patriarch of Islam. Muslims believe that he preached the same monotheistic faith as did his forefathers: Abraham (Ibrahim), Isaac (Ishaq) and Ishmael (Ismail).

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