Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Hopken

Anders Johan von Höpken

Nombre Anders
Apellido Höpken
Murió el May 9, 1789
Nacidas en Sweden, Stockholm County

Count Anders Johan von Höpken, Swedish statesman, was the son of Daniel Niklas von Höpken, one of Arvid Horn's most determined opponents and a founder of the Hat party.

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Ulla von Höpken

Nombre Ulla
Apellido Höpken
Nacidas el March 24, 1749
Murió el September 17, 1810 (aged 61)

Ulrika "Ulla" Eleonora von Höpken, later von Wright, née von Fersen, was a Swedish countess and courtier. She is also famous in history as one of "the three graces" of the Gustavian age; three ladies-in-waiting immortalized in the poem Gracernas döpelse by Johan Henric Kellgren, and known profiles of the epoch. She was a leading socialite and trendsetter in contemporary Sweden, and one of the best known profiles of the Gustavian age.

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