Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Hiroko

Katayama Hiroko

Nombre Katayama
Apellido Hiroko
Nacidas el February 10, 1878
Murió el March 19, 1958 (aged 80)
Nacidas en Japan, Tokyo

Katayama Hiroko was a Japanese poet and translator. She did many translations of Irish writers under the pseudonym Matsumura Mineko. Her husband was a noted bureaucrat. She reportedly took her pseudonym from a name she saw on a child's umbrella. She maintained a friendship with Ryūnosuke Akutagawa and he reportedly said of her "Finally I have met a woman who can be called my equal in the arena of words." She also acted as a mentor to Muraoka Hanako who is known in Japan for translating Anne of Green Gables.

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Konoe Hiroko

Nombre Konoe
Apellido Hiroko
Nacidas el April 30, 1666
Murió el April 13, 1741 (aged 74)
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Tsumaki Hiroko

Nombre Tsumaki
Nacidas el November 30, 1529
Murió el November 30, 1575 (aged 46)

Tsumaki Hiroko was a Japanese noble woman from the Sengoku Period. She is also known as Omaki-no-kata, Omaki and Fuseya-hime, with her real name uncertain. The name Hiroko probably originated from her father's name Tsumaki Norihiro. She was the wife of Akechi Mitsuhide, a prominent general of the Oda clan, and the mother of Hosokawa Gracia, a famous Christian convert. She played a pivotal role in Mitsuhide's early career and in stabilizing the Akechi clan, which would later be responsible for one of the most impactful events in Japanese history: the murder of Oda Nobunaga in the Honnoji Incident.

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