Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Helmsley

Leona Helmsley

Nombre Leona
Murió el August 20, 2007 (aged 37)

Leona Mindy Roberts Helmsley was an American businesswoman and convicted felon. Her flamboyant personality and reputation for tyrannical behavior earned her the nickname Queen of Mean. After allegations of non-payment were made by contractors hired to improve Helmsley's Connecticut home, she was investigated and convicted of federal income tax evasion and other crimes in 1989. Although having initially received a sentence of sixteen years, she was required to serve only nineteen months in prison and two months under house arrest. During the trial, a former housekeeper testified that she had heard Helmsley say: "We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes," a quote which was identified with her for the rest of her life.

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Harry Helmsley

Nombre Harry
Apellido Helmsley
Nacidas el March 4, 1909
Murió el January 4, 1997 (aged 87)

Harry Brakmann Helmsley was an American real estate billionaire whose company, Helmsley-Spear, became one of the country's biggest property holders, owning the Empire State Building and many of New York's most prestigious hotels. From humble beginnings, Helmsley moved up in property through natural salesmanship, a willingness to delegate, and shrewd acquisition policies that were ahead of their time. His second marriage to Leona Roberts led to charges of false accounting and tax evasion as well as a celebrated trial, where Harry was judged too frail to plead, but Leona was fined and jailed.

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