Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Hayanari

Tachibana no Hayanari

Nombre Tachibana
Apellido Hayanari
Nacidas el November 30, 0781
Murió el September 24, 0844 (aged 62)

Tachibana no Hayanari was a Heian period Japanese government official, calligrapher, and member of the Tachibana family. He travelled to China in 804, returning in 806. He died while traveling to exile in Izu Province for supposed participation in an imperial succession controversy. His most famous remaining calligraphic work is the Ito Naishin'no Ganmon (伊都内親王願文), now in the Imperial Household collection. He is honored as one of the group of three outstanding calligraphers called Sanpitsu.

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