Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Hagerup

Klaus Hagerup

Nombre Klaus
Apellido Hagerup
Nacidas el March 5, 1946
Murió el December 20, 2018 (aged 72)

Klaus Hagerup was a Norwegian author, translator, screenwriter, actor and director. He was also known for his role of Tom in the film The Chieftain (1984).

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Henrik Steffens Hagerup

Nombre Henrik
Nacidas el April 23, 1806
Murió el May 29, 1859 (aged 53)

Henrik Steffens Hagerup was a Norwegian naval officer and politician who served as Minister of the Navy from 1856 to 1859 with certain interruptions.

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Francis Hagerup

Nombre Francis
Apellido Hagerup
Nacidas el January 22, 1853
Murió el February 8, 1921 (aged 68)

George Francis Hagerup was a Norwegian law professor, diplomat and politician for the Conservative Party. He was Prime Minister of Norway from 1895 to 1898 and from 1903 to 1905. As a legal scholar, he is known for his contributions to the development of public international law, and was chairman of the Institut de Droit International.

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