Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Hagan

Thomas Hagan

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Hagan
Nacidas el March 16, 1941 (age 83)

Thomas Hagan is a former member of the Nation of Islam and one of the assassins who killed Malcolm X in 1965. For a while he also went by the name Talmadge X Hayer, and his chosen Islamic name is Mujahid Abdul Halim.

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Kay Hagan

Janet Kay Ruthven
Nombre Kay
Apellido Hagan
Nacidas el May 26, 1953
Murió el October 28, 2019 (aged 66)

Janet Kay Ruthven Hagan fue una senadora al Congreso de Estados Unidos representante del estado de Carolina del Norte desde enero de 2009 hasta enero de 2015.

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Mallory Hagan

Nombre Mallory
Apellido Hagan
Nacidas el December 23, 1988 (age 36)

Mallory Hytes Hagan is an American politician and former beauty queen who won Miss America 2013 as Miss New York 2012. She moved to New York in 2008 after her first year of college at Auburn University. Prior to winning Miss America, Hagan was also Miss Brooklyn 2010, Miss Manhattan 2011, Miss New York City 2012 and a two-time Miss New York first runner-up. When living in Alabama, Hagan had been runner-up in the Miss Alabama's Outstanding Teen program. As Miss Chattahoochee Valley 2007, was a non-finalist talent winner at Miss Alabama. She won the Miss America competition on a platform of child sexual abuse awareness and prevention due to her family's history with child abuse. She also gave a response on the issue of gun control in which she opposed fighting violence with violence.

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Molly Hagan

Nombre Molly
Apellido Hagan
Nacidas el August 3, 1961 (age 63)
Altura 165 cm | 5'5

Molly Joan Hagan is an American actress. She co-starred in films Code of Silence (1985), Some Kind of Wonderful (1987), The Dentist (1996), Election (1999), and Sully (2016), and is also known for her roles in television on Herman's Head (1991–1994) and Unfabulous (2004–2007).

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Marianne Hagan

Nombre Marianne
Nacidas el December 8, 1966 (age 58)

Marianne Louise Hagan is an American actress and writer. She played Kara Strode in the 1995 horror sequel Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, her film debut.

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Mary Hagan

Nombre Mary
Apellido Hagan
Nacidas el November 30, 1916 (age 108)
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P Hagan

Nombre Paul
Apellido Hagan
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