Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Gutman

Amir Frischer Gutman

Nombre Amir
Apellido Gutman
Nacidas el April 25, 1976
Murió el July 23, 2017 (aged 41)

Amir Fryszer Guttman was an Israeli singer, musician, choreographer, actor, theater director and LGBT rights activist. He died from drowning after being swept away with his niece, whom he had held above water; his niece survived.

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Matt Gutman

Nombre Matt
Apellido Gutman
Nacidas el December 5, 1977 (age 46)

Matt Gutman is an American reporter for ABC News. He is the network's Chief National Correspondent and appears on various programs for the network. He was the host of the U.S. weekly TV series Sea Rescue when it ended in September 2018. He is also the author of the book, The Boys in the Cave: Deep Inside the Impossible Rescue in Thailand about the international rescue of the soccer team from a cave in Thailand in July 2018.

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Jorge Castañeda Gutman

Nombre Jorge
Apellido Gutman
Nacidas en Mexico

Jorge Germán Castañeda Gutman es un político y comentarista mexicano que ocupó el cargo de Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores de 2000 a 2003.

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Simon Gutman

Szmul Gutman
Nombre Simon
Apellido Gutman
Nacidas el July 20, 1923
Murió el October 5, 2020 (aged 97)

Simon Gutman was a Polish-born French Holocaust survivor.

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Natalia Gutman

Nombre Natalia
Apellido Gutman

Natalia Grigórievna Gutman es una violoncelista rusa.

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Howard Gutman

Nombre Howard
Apellido Gutman
Nacidas el July 8, 1956 (age 68)

Howard William Gutman is a lawyer, actor and former United States Ambassador to Belgium. After being nominated as Ambassador by United States President Barack Obama, Gutman was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 29, 2009, and sworn in as Ambassador on August 14, 2009.

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