Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Guerena

Salvador Güereña

Nombre Salvador
Apellido Güereña
Nacidas el January 1, 1952 (age 73)

Salvador Güereña is an archivist, curator, and writer. Güereña specializes in ethnic and multicultural archives, and in digital technologies involving Chicano/Latino arts. Since 1989 he has been Director of the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives in the University of California, Santa Barbara Davidson Library. He is a published author and editor, including several books and numerous articles in the field of library science, bibliography, and archival science. He was editor and co-author of Library Services to Latinos: an Anthology (2000), and is co-editor and co-author of the forthcoming Pathways to Progress: Issues and Advances in Latino Librarianship (2009).

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