Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Groby

Henry Ferrers, 2nd Baron Ferrers of Groby

Nombre Henry
Apellido Groby
Nacidas el November 30, 1302
Murió el September 15, 1343 (aged 40)

Henry Ferrers, 2nd Baron Ferrers was the son of William Ferrers, 1st Baron Ferrers of Groby and his wife Ellen. Henry Ferrers has been described by one recent historian as "arguably the most successful member of his family" on account of his being the only one, in six generations, to have succeeded to his patrimony as an adult, thus "protecting his inheritance from the hazards of wardship."

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William Ferrers

Nombre William
Apellido Groby
Murió el November 30, 1444

William Ferrers, 5th Baron Ferrers of Groby (1372–1445) was an English baron in the late middle ages. He was an important figure in Leicestershire society and took part in most of the royal commissions that were held there. He was also active at a national level and earlier in his career he took part in some of the crises in the reigns of both King Richard II and Henry IV. However, he supported the Lancastrian regime under Henry V and acted as a councillor to that King's baby son when the latter inherited the throne at the age of six months. Ferrers was married three times, twice to daughters of the peerage. Because his eldest son died before him, the Ferrers barony descended to his granddaughter's husband. Thus, when William Ferrers died, the Ferrers line, which had begun in England with the Norman conquest, after which they were first granted lands in Leicestershire came to an end.

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Henry Ferrers, 4th Baron Ferrers of Groby

Nombre Henry
Apellido Groby
Nacidas el November 30, 1355
Murió el November 30, 1387 (aged 32)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Henry Ferrers, 4th Baron Ferrers of Groby (1356–1388) was a fourteenth century English nobleman. He was a professional soldier, taking part in a number of campaigns during the reign of Richard II, served on several royal commissions, was a justice of the peace and a member of parliament.

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John Grey of Groby

Nombre Sir
Nacidas el November 30, 1431
Murió el February 17, 1461 (aged 29)

Juan Grey de Groby, fue un caballero de la Casa de Lancaster, el primer marido de Isabel Woodville quien más tarde se casó con el rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra, y el tatara-tatara-abuelo de lady Juana Grey.

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George Grey, 8th Baron Grey of Groby

Nombre George
Apellido Groby
Nacidas el April 5, 1802
Murió el October 24, 1835 (aged 33)

George Harry Grey, 8th Baron Grey of Groby, was a British peer.

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