Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky

Nombre Wayne
Apellido Gretzky
Nacidas el January 26, 1961 (age 64)
Nacidas en Canada, Ontario
Altura 183 cm | 6'0

Wayne Douglas Gretzky (Brantford, Ontario, Canadá, 26 de enero de 1961 es un jugador canadiense retirado de hockey sobre hielo.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Brent Gretzky

Nombre Brent
Apellido Gretzky
Nacidas el February 20, 1972 (age 52)
Nacidas en Canada, Ontario

Brent Gretzky is a Canadian retired professional ice hockey player, and the brother of Wayne and Keith Gretzky. He briefly played in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Keith Gretzky

Nombre Keith
Apellido Gretzky
Nacidas el February 16, 1967 (age 57)
Nacidas en Canada, Ontario

Keith Edward Gretzky is a Canadian ice hockey executive and former player who served as interim general manager of the Edmonton Oilers, from January 23 to May 7, 2019. He is a brother of ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Paulina Gretzky

Nombre Paulina
Apellido Gretzky
Nacidas el December 19, 1988 (age 36)
Altura 174 cm | 5'9
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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