Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Gosford

Louisa Acheson, Countess of Gosford

Nombre Louisa
Nacidas el January 17, 1856
Murió el March 3, 1944 (aged 88)

Louisa Augusta Beatrice Acheson, Countess of Gosford, was the wife of the 4th Earl of Gosford.

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Archibald Acheson, 2nd Earl of Gosford

Nombre Archibald
Apellido Gosford
Nacidas el August 1, 1776
Murió el March 27, 1849 (aged 72)

Archibald Acheson, 2nd Earl of Gosford,, styled The Honourable Archibald Acheson from 1790 to 1806 and Lord Acheson from 1806 to 1807, was a British politician who served as Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada and Governor General of British North America in the 19th century.

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No lo conozco

Archibald Acheson, 1st Viscount Gosford

Nombre Archibald
Apellido Gosford
Nacidas el September 1, 1718
Murió el September 5, 1790 (aged 72)

Archibald Acheson 1st Viscount Gosford PC (Ire), known as Sir Achibald Acheson, 6th Bt from 1748 to 1776, was an Irish peer and politician.

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