Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Goldsmith

Zac Goldsmith

Nombre Zac
Nacidas el January 20, 1975 (age 49)

Frank Zacharias Robin "Zac" Goldsmith es un político británico.

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Taylor Goldsmith

Nombre Taylor
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el August 16, 1985 (age 38)

Taylor Zachary Goldsmith is an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and record producer. He serves as the lead singer, guitarist, and chief songwriter of American folk rock band Dawes.

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Jonathan Goldsmith

Nombre Jonathan
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el September 26, 1938 (age 85)

Jonathan Peter Goldsmith es un actor estadounidense. Comenzó su carrera en los escenarios de Nueva York, y posteriormente continuó en el cine y la televisión. Apareció en varios programas de televisión de la década de 1960 hasta la década de 1990. Es mejor conocido por aparecer en comerciales de televisión para la cerveza Dos Equis, a partir de 2006, interpretando el personaje de "El hombre más interesante del mundo", en la que habla con una voz profunda y distintiva inspirada en su amigo Fernando Lamas.

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Ben Goldsmith

Nombre Ben
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el October 28, 1980 (age 43)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Benjamin James Goldsmith is an English financier and environmentalist. The son of financier James Goldsmith and Lady Annabel Goldsmith he is founder and CEO of London-listed investment firm Menhaden, which focuses on the theme of energy and resource efficiency. Previously he co-founded the sustainability-focused investment firm WHEB, whose private equity business split away in 2014 and now trades under the name Alaina Partners. He has used his personal wealth to support both philanthropic and political projects in the area of the environment and sustainability.

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Sheherazade Goldsmith

Nombre Sheherazade
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el March 14, 1974 (age 50)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Sheherazade Ventura Goldsmith is a British environmentalist, jeweller and columnist.

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Clio Goldsmith

Nombre Clio
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el June 16, 1957 (age 67)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France, Paris

Clio Goldsmith es una ex-actriz francesa, que aparece sobre todo como una mujer fatal en algunas películas de la década de 1980. Ella es la hija del ecólogo Edward Goldsmith y Gillian Marion Pretty.

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Lady Annabel Goldsmith

The Honourable Annabel Vane-Tempest-Stewart
Nombre Lady
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el June 11, 1934 (age 90)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Lady Annabel Goldsmith is an English socialite and the eponym for a celebrated London nightclub of the late 20th century, Annabel's. She was first married for two decades to entrepreneur Mark Birley, the creator of Annabel's, which she helped make a glamorous success as her husband's inaugural members-only Mayfair club.

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Peter Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith

Nombre Peter
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el January 5, 1950 (age 74)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Peter Henry Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith is a British barrister and a former Attorney General for England and Wales and for Northern Ireland. On 22 June 2007, Goldsmith announced his resignation which took effect on 27 June 2007, the same day that prime minister, Tony Blair, stepped down. Goldsmith was the longest serving Labour Attorney General. He is currently head of European litigation practice at US law firm Debevoise & Plimpton and Vice Chairperson of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.

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Harvey Goldsmith

Nombre Harvey
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el March 4, 1946 (age 78)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Harvey Goldsmith is an English performing arts promoter. He is best known as a promoter of rock concerts, charity concerts, television broadcasts for the Prince's Trust and more recently the Teenage Cancer Trust shows at the Royal Albert Hall.

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Paul Goldsmith

Nombre Paul
Apellido Goldsmith
Nacidas el October 2, 1925 (age 98)

Paul Goldsmith is a former USAC and NASCAR driver. He is an inductee of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame and Motorsports Hall of Fame of America. Later in life Goldsmith became a pilot and, flying primarily a Cessna 421, transported engines and parts to and from races. Goldsmith is currently the oldest living veteran of the Indianapolis 500.

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