Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Gilmer

George Rockingham Gilmer

Nombre George
Apellido Gilmer
Nacidas el April 11, 1790
Murió el November 16, 1859 (aged 69)

George Rockingham Gilmer was an American politician. He served two non-consecutive terms as the 34th Governor of Georgia, the first from 1829 to 1831 and the second from 1837 to 1839. He also served multiple terms in the United States House of Representatives.

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Thomas Walker Gilmer

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Gilmer
Nacidas el April 6, 1802
Murió el February 28, 1844 (aged 41)

Thomas Walker Gilmer was an American statesman. He served in a number of political positions in Virginia, including election as the 28th Governor of Virginia. Gilmer's final political office was as the 15th Secretary of the Navy, but he died in an accident ten days after assuming that position.

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