Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Gall

France Gall

Isabelle Geneviève Marie Anne Gall
Nombre France
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el October 9, 1947
Murió el January 7, 2018 (aged 70)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France, Paris

Isabelle Geneviève Marie Anne Gall Berthier, más conocida como France Gall, fue una popular cantante francesa.

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Mickey Gall

Nombre Mickey
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el January 22, 1992 (age 33)
Altura 188 cm | 6'2

Mickey Gall es un peleador profesional estadounidense de artes marciales mixtas, actualmente compite en la división de peso wélter dentro de la compañía Ultimate Fighting Championship.

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John Gall

Nombre John
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el September 18, 1925
Murió el December 15, 2014 (aged 89)

John Gall was an American author and retired pediatrician. Gall is known for his 1975 book General systemantics: an essay on how systems work, and especially how they fail..., a critique of systems theory. One of the statements from this book has become known as Gall's law.

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Robert Gall

Nombre Robert
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el May 27, 1918
Murió el May 16, 1990 (aged 71)

Robert Gall was a French lyricist. He married Cécile Berthier, daughter of Paul Berthier, co-founder of Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois. Robert and Cécile are parents of singer France Gall. Their two sons, twins Patrice and Philippe, were born in 1946 and also work in the field of music. Robert Gall is buried in the Cemetery of Montmartre.

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Marion Gall

Nombre Marion
Apellido Gall
Murió el July 2, 1865
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Alexis Le Gall

Nombre Alexis
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el October 20, 1922
Murió el December 21, 2019 (aged 97)
Nacidas en France, Brittany
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Lothar Gall

Nombre Lothar
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el December 3, 1936 (age 88)

Lothar Gall is a German historian known as "one of German liberalism's primary historians". He was professor of history at Goethe University Frankfurt from 1975 until his retirement in 2005.

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Jean-François Le Gall

Nacidas el November 15, 1959 (age 65)
Nacidas en France, Brittany

Jean-François Le Gall is a French mathematician working in areas of probability theory such as Brownian motion, Lévy processes, superprocesses and their connections with partial differential equations, the Brownian snake, random trees, branching processes, stochastic coalescence and random planar maps. He received his Ph.D. in 1982 from Pierre and Marie Curie University under the supervision of Marc Yor. He is currently professor at the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay and is a senior member of the Institut universitaire de France. He was elected to French academy of sciences, December 2013.

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Robert Le Gall

Nombre Robert
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el February 26, 1946 (age 78)
Nacidas en France, Normandy

Robert Jean Louis Le Gall O.S.B. is a French prelate of the Catholic Church who has been the Archbishop of Toulouse since 2006. He was previously the Bishop of Mende from 2001 to 2006.

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Joseph G. Gall

Nombre Joseph
Apellido Gall
Nacidas el April 14, 1928 (age 96)

Joseph Grafton Gall is an American cell biologist who is noted for studies revealing the details of chromosome structure and function. Gall's studies were greatly facilitated by his knowledge of many different organisms because he could select the most favorable organism to study when approaching a specific question about nuclear structure. He was awarded the 2006 Albert Lasker Special Achievement Award. He was also a co-recipient of the 2007 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University. In 1983 he was honored with the highest recognition of the American Society for Cell Biology, the E. B. Wilson Medal. He had been elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1972.

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