Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Galkin

Maksim Galkin

Максим Александрович Галкин
Nombre Maxim
Apellido Galkin
Nacidas el June 18, 1976 (age 48)
Nacidas en Russia, Moscow Oblast

Maksim Aleksándrovich Galkin es un cantante y humorista ruso.

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Vladislav Galkin

Владислав Сухачёв
Nombre Vladislav
Apellido Galkin
Nacidas el December 25, 1971
Murió el February 25, 2010 (aged 38)
Nacidas en Russia

Vladislav Borisovich Galkin was a highly popular Russian actor who starred in fifty seven films including several TV serials, such as Spetsnaz (2002), The Master and Margarita (2005–2006) and Dikari (2006).

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Aleksey Galkin

Nombre Aleksey
Nacidas el April 11, 1970 (age 54)

Alexey Viktorovich Galkin is a former Russian GRU officer. A senior lieutenant of the GRU, Alexei Galkin said, whilst being tortured by Chechen separatists, commanded by Abu Movsaev, that the apartment bombing in Buynaksk were organized by a team of twelve GRU officers and ordered by GRU director Valentin Korabelnikov The interview of Galkin was conducted by journalist Robert Young Pelton, who was also interviewing Abu Movsaev, who wrote about it in his book Hunter, Hammer, Heaven, Dangerous Journeys Through Three Worlds Gone Mad. Galkin later escaped from Chechen separatists and stated that he was tortured to produce this confession

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Boris S. Galkin

Nombre Boris
Apellido Galkin
Nacidas el September 19, 1947 (age 77)
Nacidas en Russia
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Aleksandr Galkin

Nombre Aleksandr
Nacidas el October 6, 1935
Murió el February 5, 2002 (aged 66)
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Ilya Galkin

Nombre Ilya
Nacidas el July 20, 1898
Murió el April 7, 1990 (aged 91)
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Andrey Galkin

Nombre Andrey
Apellido Galkin
Nacidas el March 22, 1967 (age 57)
Altura 178 cm | 5'10
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