Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Find

Eochaid mac Áeda Find

Nombre Eochaid
Nacidas el November 30, 0749
Murió el January 1, 0819 (aged 69)

Eochaid mac Áeda Find is a spurious King of Dál Riata found in some rare High Medieval king-lists and in older history books.

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Áed Find

Nombre Áed
Nacidas el January 1, 0701
Murió el January 1, 0778 (aged 77)

Áed Find, or Áed mac Echdach, was king of Dál Riata. Áed was the son of Eochaid mac Echdach, a descendant of Domnall Brecc in the main line of Cenél nGabráin kings.

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Benedicte Find

Nombre Benedicte

Benedicte Find is a Danish billionaire. She derives her fortune from her father Aage Louis-Hansen, founder of Coloplast. She is an architect who resides primarily in Copenhagen.

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