Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Eisman

Steve Eisman

Nombre Steve
Apellido Eisman
Nacidas el July 8, 1962 (age 62)

Steven Eisman is an American businessman and investor known for having shorted collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), thereby profiting from the collapse of the US housing bubble in 2007–2008.

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Harry Eisman

Nombre Harry
Apellido Eisman
Nacidas el January 1, 1913
Murió el May 6, 1979 (aged 66)

Harry Eduardovich Eisman was a Red Army war hero who first rose to prominence as a young Communist in The Bronx during the 1920s and early 1930s. After two spells in New York reformatories, Eisman subsequently fled to the USSR in 1930 where he finished his education worked as a journalist. He later joined the Red Army and fought on the Eastern front, including at the Battle of Stalingrad.

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