Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Duart

Hector Mor Maclean, 12th Chief, 8th of Duart

Nombre Hector
Apellido Duart
Nacidas el January 1, 1497
Murió el January 1, 1568 (aged 71)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Eachann Mór Maclean (1497–1568) or Hector Mor Maclean, or Hector Maclean the Great, was the 12th Chief of Maclean. Mór or Mor translates as great when added to a name in Scottish Gaelic. He was the 8th laird of Duart Castle.

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Sir Hector Og Maclean, 15th Chief

Nombre Sir
Nacidas el January 1, 1583
Murió el November 30, 1622 (aged 39)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Sir Hector Og Maclean (1583–1623), or Eachann Óg Maclean in Scottish Gaelic, was the 15th Clan Chief of Clan Maclean in Scotland.

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Sir Lachlan Mor Maclean

Nombre Sir
Nacidas el November 30, 1557
Murió el November 30, 1597 (aged 40)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Sir Lachlan Mór Maclean or Big Lachlan Maclean, was the 14th Clan Chief of Clan MacLean from late 1573 or early 1574 until 1598. Mór or Mor translates as big in English, or magnus in Latin, when added to a name in Scottish Gaelic.

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Hector Og Maclean, 13th Chief

Nombre Hector
Apellido Duart
Nacidas el November 30, 1539
Murió el November 30, 1572 (aged 33)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Hector Og Maclean, or Eachann Óg Maclean in Scottish Gaelic, or Hector Maclean the Younger was the 13th Chief of Clan MacLean. At the death of his father, Hector Mor Maclean, 12th Chief, he became clan chief but lived only five years longer than his father.

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Lachlan Cattanach Maclean, 11th Chief

Nombre Lachlan
Apellido Duart
Nacidas el November 30, 1464
Murió el November 10, 1523 (aged 58)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Lachlan Catanach Maclean was the 11th Clan Chief of Clan MacLean from 1515 until his murder in 1523.

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Lachlan Lubanach Maclean

Nombre Lachlan
Apellido Duart
Nacidas el November 30, 1329
Murió el January 1, 1405 (aged 75)

Lachlan Lùbanach Maclean, 5th Chief was Chief of Clan Maclean. He was the first Maclean to occupy Castle Duart as the 1st Laird of Duart. His brother, Hector Reaganach Maclean was the progenitor of the Lochbuie Macleans usually MacLaines.

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Lachlan Og Maclean

Nombre Lachlan
Apellido Duart
Nacidas el November 30, 1431 (age 592)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Lachlan Óg Maclean, was the 8th Chief of Maclean.

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Red Hector of the Battles Maclean

Nombre Eachuinn
Murió el November 30, 1410

Red Hector of the Battles Maclean (?-1411), or Eachann Ruadh nan Cath in Scottish Gaelic, was the 6th Chief of Clan Maclean.

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Hector Odhar Maclean

Nombre Hector
Apellido Duart
Murió el January 1, 1496

Hector Odhar Maclean (?–1496), or Eachann Odhar Maclean in Scottish Gaelic, or Hector Maclean the Swarthy, was the 9th Chief of Maclean. He succeeded his father Lachlan Og Maclean upon his death c. 1472. He died in 1496.

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Lachlan Bronneach Maclean

Nombre Lachlan
Apellido Duart

Lachlan Bronnach MacLean, was the 7th Chief of Clan MacLean.

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