Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Dodson

Neal Dodson

Nombre Neal
Apellido Dodson
Nacidas el May 17, 1978 (age 46)

Neal Dodson is an Independent Spirit Award-winning film producer. His producer credits include the Academy Award-nominated Margin Call, the Golden Globe Award-winning and Academy Awards-nominated All Is Lost starring Robert Redford, the comedy Breakup at a Wedding, the drama Aardvark, the upcoming Viper Club, and the Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain-starring film A Most Violent Year, which won Best Picture from the National Board of Review. Dodson executive produced Another Cinderella Story starring Selena Gomez and Jane Lynch, Banshee Chapter starring Katia Winter, Hollidaysburg starring Rachel Keller, Jonathan starring Ansel Elgort, Love On A Limb starring Ashley Williams and Marilu Henner, Never Here starring Mireille Enos and Sam Shepard, and Periods as well as co-producing Hateship, Loveship starring Kristen Wiig. Dodson also produced and appeared in the Starz documentary filmmaking television series The Chair, which followed two filmmakers making the same film, and was created by producer Chris Moore.

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John Dodson

John Thomas Dodson III
Nombre John
Apellido Dodson
Nacidas el September 26, 1984 (age 40)
Altura 160 cm | 5'3

John Thomas Dodson III es un peleador estadounidense de artes marciales mixtas que actualmente compite en la categoría de peso gallo en Ultimate Fighting Championship. Dodson fue el ganador del The Ultimate Fighter 14 en la categoría de peso gallo. El 29 de enero de 2020, Dodson se encuentra como el peso gallo No.13 en los rankings oficiales de UFC.

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Antoine Dodson

Nombre Antoine
Apellido Dodson
Nacidas el June 27, 1986 (age 38)

Kevin Antoine Dodson is an American Internet celebrity, singer, and actor. In 2010, while a resident of the Lincoln Park housing project in Huntsville, Alabama, he gave an interview on local television news prompted by the report of a home invasion and attempted rape of his sister. The interview became an Internet sensation and resulted in the "Bed Intruder Song", an Auto-Tuned song by The Gregory Brothers that sold thousands of copies on iTunes and appeared on the Billboard Hot 100 list.

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