Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Desgoffe

Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe

Nombre Blaise
Apellido Desgoffe
Nacidas el January 17, 1830
Murió el May 2, 1901 (aged 71)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe was a French painter who specialized in meticulously finished still-life paintings. He was the nephew of the painter Alexandre Desgoffe.

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Alexandre Desgoffe

Nombre Alexandre
Apellido Desgoffe
Nacidas el March 6, 1805
Murió el July 27, 1882 (aged 77)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Alexandre Desgoffe (1805–1882) was a French landscape painter born in Paris. He studied under Ingres, and travelled in Italy from 1837 to 1842. He usually introduced into his landscapes historical or mythological incidents, and he also painted some Biblical subjects. The Luxembourg Gallery has his Fury of Orestes, and the Museum of Lyons his Cyclops. He decorated the Salle des Etudes of the Bibliothèque Nationale in 1868. He died in Paris in 1882.

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