Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Delamere

Thomas Cholmondeley, 1st Baron Delamere

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Delamere
Nacidas el August 9, 1767
Murió el October 30, 1855 (aged 88)

Thomas Cholmondeley, 1st Baron Delamere, was a British peer and Member of Parliament.

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Maud Delamere

Nombre Maud
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Thomas Cholmondeley

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Delamere
Nacidas el August 19, 1900
Murió el April 13, 1979 (aged 78)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Captain Thomas Pitt Hamilton Cholmondeley, 4th Baron Delamere, styled The Honourable Thomas Cholmondeley from birth until 1931, was a British peer. Popularly known as Tom Delamere, he lived on and owned the vast estate known as Soysambu Ranch in Kenya.

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Hugh Cholmondeley, 2nd Baron Delamere

Nombre Hugh
Nacidas el October 3, 1811
Murió el August 1, 1887 (aged 75)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Hugh Cholmondeley, 2nd Baron Delamere, styled The Honourable from 1821 until 1855, was a British peer and politician.

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Hugh Cholmondeley, 3rd Baron Delamere

Nombre Hugh
Murió el November 13, 1931
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Hugh Cholmondeley, 3rd Baron Delamere,, styled The Honourable from birth until 1887, was a British peer. He was one of the first and most influential British settlers in Kenya.

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Hugh Cholmondeley, 5th Baron Delamere

Nombre Hugh
Nacidas el January 18, 1934 (age 90)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Hugh George Cholmondeley, 5th Baron Delamere, styled The Honourable Hugh George Cholmondeley from birth until 1979, is a British peer. He is a well-known figure in the evolution and development of post-colonial Kenya. He was educated at Magdalene College, Cambridge. He owns the vast Soysambu Ranch in Kenya.

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Nicholas Delamere

Nombre Nicholas
Apellido Delamere
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Susan Delamere

Nombre Susan
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No lo conozco

Edmund Delamere

Nombre Edmund
Apellido Delamere
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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