Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Cueco

Henri Cueco

Nombre Henri
Apellido Cueco
Nacidas el October 19, 1929
Murió el March 13, 2017 (aged 87)
Nacidas en France, New Aquitaine

Henri Cueco was a French painter, essayist, novelist and radio personality. As a self-taught painter, his work was exhibited internationally. He was the author of several books, including collections of essays and novels. He was also a contributor to France Culture. A communist-turned-libertarian, he was a co-founder of Coopérative des Malassis, an anti-consumerist artists' collective. He was best known for The Red Men, a series of figurative paintings depicting aspects of the Cold War like the May 1968 events, the Vietnam War and Red Scare, and his 150 still lifes, or "portraits," of potatoes.

Conozco \
No lo conozco
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