Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Crothers

Rowan Crothers

Nombre Rowan
Apellido Crothers
Nacidas el October 24, 1997 (age 27)

Rowan Crothers is an Australian freestyle swimmer. He represented Australia at the 2016 Rio Paralympics and has been selected for 2020 Summer Paralympics.

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Scatman Crothers

Benjamin Sherman Crothers
Nombre Scatman
Nacidas el May 23, 1910
Murió el November 22, 1986 (aged 76)

Scatman Crothers, fue un cantante, músico, bailarín y actor estadounidense. Que se destacó en el mundo de la actuación por trabajos como en la serie de televisión Chico and the Man como El hombre basura, y como Dick Halloran en El resplandor, de Stanley Kubrick.

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Connie Crothers

Nombre Connie
Nacidas el May 2, 1941
Murió el August 13, 2016 (aged 75)

Connie Crothers was an American jazz improviser and pianist.

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Jane Alexandra Crothers

Nombre Jane
Apellido Crothers
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Rachel Crothers

Nombre Rachel
Apellido Crothers
Nacidas el December 12, 1878
Murió el July 5, 1958 (aged 79)

Rachel Crothers was an American playwright and theater director known for her well-crafted plays that often dealt with feminist themes. Among theater historians, she is generally recognized as "the most successful and prolific woman dramatist writing in the first part of the twentieth century." One of her most famous plays was Susan and God (1937), which was made into a film by MGM in 1940 starring Joan Crawford and Fredric March.

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Peter Crothers

Nombre Peter
Apellido Crothers
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