Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Cord

Alex Cord

Nombre Alex
Apellido Cord
Nacidas el May 3, 1933 (age 91)

Alex Cord is a retired American actor who is best known for his portrayal of Michael Coldsmith Briggs III, better known as Archangel, in 55 episodes of the television series Airwolf (1984–1986). Early in his career, he was credited as Alex Viespi.

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Ronnie Cord

Nombre Ronnie
Nacidas el January 22, 1943
Murió el January 6, 1986 (aged 42)
Nacidas en Brazil, Minas Gerais

Ronnie Cord, born Ronald Cordovil, was a Brazilian singer. Son of conductor and composer Hervé Cordovil, he already played the guitar at age six. In 1959 he auditioned for Copacabana Records, in Rio de Janeiro. In 1960, the following year, he made his first recording, released on long-playing records that brought together several other singers. His biggest hit was the song "Rua Augusta", released by RCA Victor in 1963. In 1965, he was very successful with a version of "Hopscotch Polka Dot Bikini" recorded at RCA Victor in 1964. He died in 1986, leaving three children.

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Errett Lobban Cord

Nombre Errett
Nacidas el July 20, 1894
Murió el January 2, 1974 (aged 79)

Errett Lobban "E. L." Cord fue un ejecutivo estadounidense, considerado un líder en el transporte de su país durante principios y mediados del siglo XX. Fundó Cord Corporation en 1929, una sociedad de cartera con más de 150 empresas bajo su control, principalmente en el campo del transporte.

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