Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Colville

Stanley Colville

Nombre Stanley
Apellido Colville
Nacidas el February 21, 1861
Murió el April 9, 1939 (aged 78)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Admiral Sir Stanley Cecil James Colville, was a senior Royal Navy officer.

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Alicia Colville

Nombre Alicia
Apellido Colville
Murió el August 10, 1762
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Peter Alan Colville

Nombre Peter
Apellido Colville
Nacidas el August 6, 1935
Murió el August 9, 2004 (aged 69)
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Charles Colville

Nombre Charles
Apellido Colville
Nacidas el August 7, 1770
Murió el March 27, 1843 (aged 72)

General Sir Charles Colville was a British Army officer who served during the Napoleonic Wars. He was an ensign in 1781. He served in the West Indies from 1791 to 1797 and while serving there was promoted to lieutenant-colonel (1796). He helped to suppress the Irish Rebellion of 1798. He was in Egypt in 1801 and fought at Martinique in 1809. He commanded brigade, and afterwards division, in the Peninsular War from 1810 until 1814. During the Waterloo Campaign of 1815 he commanded a division in Belgium and the same year was made a K.C.B.. In 1819 he was promoted to lieutenant-general and served as commander-in-chief at Bombay from 1819 until 1825. He was governor of Mauritius from 1828 until 1834. He was promoted to general in 1837.

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Harriet Colville

Nombre Harriet
Nacidas el December 3, 1952 (age 72)
Nacidas en United Kingdom
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Jock Colville

Nombre Jock
Nacidas el January 28, 1915
Murió el November 19, 1987 (aged 72)

Sir John Rupert Colville, CB, CVO, known as Jock Colville, was a British civil servant. He is best known for his diaries, which provide an intimate view of number 10 Downing Street during the wartime Premiership of Winston Churchill.

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Ann Colville

Nombre Ann
Apellido Colville
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Janet Colville

Nombre Janet
Apellido Colville
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Grizel Colville

Nombre Grizel
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Grizel Colville

Nombre Grizel
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