Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Cockburn

Kofi Cockburn

Nombre Kofi
Nacidas el September 1, 1999 (age 25)
Nacidas en Jamaica
Altura 213 cm | 7'0

Kofi Cockburn is a Jamaican college basketball player for the Illinois Fighting Illini of the Big Ten Conference.

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Leslie Cockburn

Nombre Leslie
Apellido Cockburn
Nacidas el September 2, 1952 (age 72)

Leslie Cockburn is an American investigative journalist, and filmmaker. Her investigative television segments have aired on CBS, NBC, PBS Frontline, and 60 Minutes. She has won an Emmy Award, The Hillman Prize, Alfred I. duPont–Columbia University Award, Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, and the George Polk Award.

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Andrew Cockburn

Nombre Andrew
Apellido Cockburn
Nacidas el January 7, 1947 (age 78)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Andrew Myles Cockburn is a London-born journalist and the Washington, D.C., editor of Harper's Magazine.

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Grizel Cockburn

Nombre Grizel
Nacidas el July 22, 1660 (age 364)
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Claudia Cockburn

Nombre Claudia
Apellido Cockburn
Nacidas el February 11, 1933
Murió el June 25, 1998 (aged 65)

Claudia Cockburn Flanders, OBE was an American-British disability activist who spent much of her working life in the United Kingdom.

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Claud Cockburn

Nombre Claud
Nacidas el April 12, 1904
Murió el December 15, 1981 (aged 77)

Francis Claud Cockburn was a British journalist. His saying "believe nothing until it has been officially denied" is widely quoted in journalistic studies, but he did not claim credit for originating it. He was the second cousin, once removed, of the novelists Alec Waugh and Evelyn Waugh. He lived at Brook Lodge, Youghal, County Cork, Ireland.

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Patricia Cockburn

Nombre Patricia
Apellido Cockburn
Nacidas el March 17, 1914
Murió el October 6, 1989 (aged 75)
Nacidas en Ireland, Munster, County Cork

Patricia Cockburn was an Irish writer, traveller, conchologist and artist. She was best known for her journalism and her later artist's career creating shell pictures.

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Mary Ann Amy Macrae Cockburn

Nombre Mary
Apellido Cockburn
Nacidas el August 29, 1855
Murió el April 23, 1942 (aged 86)
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Patrick Cockburn

Nombre Patrick
Apellido Cockburn

Patrick Oliver Cockburn es un periodista irlandés que ha estado trabajando en el Oriente Medio como corresponsal para el Financial Times y, desde 1991 para The Independent. También ha sido corresponsal en Moscú, Washington y es un frecuente contribuidor de la revista London Review of Books.

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Jean Cockburn

Nombre Jean
Apellido Cockburn
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