Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Charlap

Bill Charlap

William Morrison Charlap
Nombre Bill
Apellido Charlap
Nacidas el October 15, 1966 (age 57)

Bill Charlap es un pianista estadounidense de jazz. Su especialidad son los estándares y su estilo oscila entre el bop y el hard bop.

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Moose Charlap

Morris Isaac Charlip
Nombre Moose
Apellido Charlap
Nacidas el December 19, 1928
Murió el July 8, 1974 (aged 45)

Morris Isaac "Moose" Charlap was an American Broadway composer best known for Peter Pan (1954), for which Carolyn Leigh wrote the lyrics. The idea for the show came from Jerome Robbins, who planned to have a few songs by Charlap and Leigh. It evolved into a full musical, with additional songs by Jule Styne and Betty Comden and Adolph Green. On Broadway, starred Mary Martin as Peter Pan and Cyril Ritchard as Captain Hook.

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