Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Carnock

George Bruce de Carnock

Nombre George
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el November 30, 1567
Murió el January 1, 1625 (aged 57)

George Bruce de Carnock (1568-1625) fue un mercader e ingeniero escocés nacido en Carnock, (Dunfermline).

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Arthur Nicolson, 1st Baron Carnock

Nombre Arthur
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el September 19, 1849
Murió el November 5, 1928 (aged 79)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Arthur Nicolson, 1st Baron Carnock,, known as Sir Arthur Nicolson, 11th Baronet, from 1899 to 1916, was a British diplomat and politician during the last quarter of the 19th century to the middle of World War I.

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Adam Nicolson, 5th Baron Carnock

Nombre Adam
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el September 12, 1957 (age 67)
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Erskine Nicolson, 3rd Baron Carnock

Nombre Erskine
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el March 26, 1884
Murió el October 2, 1982 (aged 98)

Erskine ("Eric") Arthur Nicolson, 3rd Baron Carnock DSO, JP, styled The Honourable from 1916 until 1952, was a British peer and sailor.

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John Erskine of Carnock

Nombre John
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el November 4, 1695
Murió el March 1, 1768 (aged 72)

John Erskine of Carnock was a Scottish jurist and professor of Scottish law at the University of Edinburgh. He wrote the Principles of the Law of Scotland and An Institute of the Law of Scotland, prominent books on Scots law.

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Patrick Drummond, 6th of Carnock

Nombre Patrick
Apellido Carnock
Murió el August 16, 1594
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David Nicolson, 4th Baron Carnock

Nombre David
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el July 10, 1920
Murió el December 26, 2008 (aged 88)

David Henry Arthur Nicolson, 4th Baron Carnock was a British peer and solicitor.

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Alexander Ramsay of Carnock

Nombre Alexander
Apellido Carnock
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Frederick Archibald Nicolson, 2nd Baron Carnock

Nombre Frederick
Apellido Carnock
Nacidas el November 30, 1882
Murió el November 30, 1951 (aged 69)
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Robert Drummond of Carnock

Nombre Robert
Apellido Carnock
Murió el November 30, 1591

Sir Robert Drummond of Carnock was Master of Work to the Crown of Scotland from 1579 to 1583. This was the responsibility for building and repair of palaces and castles. His appointment was made to be "as Sir James Hamilton of Finnart had it."

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