Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Carignon

Alain Carignon

Nombre Alain
Nacidas el February 23, 1949 (age 75)

Alain Carignon (born 23 February 1949 in Vizille, is a conservative French politician. Mayor of Grenoble from 1983 to 1995, he became junior minister in charge of environmental issues in the second Chirac government; in 1986 he proposed legislation against major radioactive risks. He then became minister in charge of media and telecommunication in the Balladur government., but had to resign from that position when his indictment for corruption became inevitable. He was later sentenced to a 4 years jail term, and made unelectable for a further 5 years. He served 29 months of his jail sentence, the longest ever for a French politician convicted of corruption.

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