Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Burmann

Gottlob Burmann

Nombre Gottlob
Apellido Burmann
Nacidas el May 18, 1737
Murió el January 5, 1805 (aged 67)

Gottlob Wilhelm Burmann was a German Romantic poet and lipogrammatist. He is best known for his dislike of the letter R. The letter does not appear in any of his 130 poems. He is even said to have eliminated it from his daily speech, refusing to say his last name for over seventeen years.

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Wilhelm Burmann

Nombre Wilhelm
Apellido Burmann
Nacidas el April 3, 1939
Murió el March 30, 2020 (aged 80)

Wilhelm "Willy" Burmann was a German dancer, ballet master, and teacher.

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No lo conozco

Ludger Burmann

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No lo conozco
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