Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Burkart

Erika Burkart

Nombre Erika
Apellido Burkart
Murió el April 14, 2010 (aged 40)

Erika Burkart was a Swiss writer and poet. She was the recipient of many awards, among them the Conrad-Ferdinand-Meyer-Preis, the Gottfried-Keller-Preis, the Joseph-Breitbach-Preis, and the Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Preis.

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No lo conozco

Céline Burkart

Nombre Céline
Apellido Burkart
Nacidas el April 25, 1994 (age 30)
Nacidas en Switzerland, Aargau

Céline Burkart is a Swiss badminton player. In 2015, she competed at the European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan. She was the runner-up at the 2014 Slovak Open tournament in the mixed doubles event partnered with Oliver Schaller. In 2016, she and Schaller won the Swiss International tournament after beat the French pair. They were taken to three games, a match that saw them drop their first set of the tournament. They were steadied to take the match and the title 21-19 in the deciding set.

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No lo conozco

Thierry Burkart

Nombre Thierry
Apellido Burkart
Nacidas el August 21, 1975 (age 49)
Nacidas en Switzerland, Aargau
Conozco \
No lo conozco

Mary Louise Burkart

Nombre Mary
Apellido Burkart
Murió el November 25, 1963
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No lo conozco
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