Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Burch

Desiree Burch

Nombre Desiree
Nacidas el January 26, 1979 (age 45)

Desiree Lea Burch is an American comedian and television host. Originally from Diamond Bar, California, Burch has also lived in New York, Streatham and Peckham, having moved to London to live with her English boyfriend. She won the Funny Women awards in 2015. Prior to working as a comedian, Burch attended Yale University where she earned a degree in theater and worked as a dominatrix.

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Tory Burch

Tory Robinson
Nombre Tory
Apellido Burch

Tory Burch es una diseñadora de moda estadounidense, empresaria y filántropa, que ha ganado varios premios en la industria de la moda por sus diseños. Es presidenta, directora ejecutiva y diseñadora de la compañía Tory Burch LLC. En el 2015, fue incluida en la posición número 73 de las mujeres más poderosas del mundo por la revista Forbes.

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Cecil Reginald Burch

Nombre Cecil
Apellido Burch
Nacidas el May 12, 1901
Murió el January 1, 1983 (aged 81)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Cecil Reginald Burch, FRS was a British physicist and engineer.

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J. Christopher Burch

Nombre J.
Apellido Burch
Nacidas el March 28, 1953 (age 71)

J. Christopher Burch is the founder and CEO of Burch Creative Capital, a firm based in New York City that manages venture investments and brand development, and co-founder of Tory Burch LLC. He became a billionaire in 2012, with Forbes magazine's profile of him in its annual The World's Billionaires stating that the 2012 valuation of Burch's majority stake in C. Wonder pushed his net worth over the ten figure mark. In addition to his personal investments, he was an investor with Guggenheim Partners.

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Elizabeth Burch

Nombre Elizabeth
Apellido Burch
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F. P. Burch

Nombre F.
Apellido Burch
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Doug Burch

Nombre Doug
Apellido Burch
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