Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Bruel

Patrick Bruel

Nombre Patrick
Apellido Bruel
Nacidas el May 14, 1959 (age 65)

Patrick Bruel, cuyo nombre real es Maurice Benguigui, es un conocido cantante, compositor, actor y jugador profesional de póker francés de origen judeo-argelino.

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Max Brüel

Nombre Max
Apellido Brüel
Nacidas el July 14, 1927
Murió el March 31, 1995 (aged 67)

Max Brüel was a Danish architect and jazz musician, an accomplished pianist and saxophonist.

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Birgit Brüel

Nombre Birgit
Apellido Brüel
Nacidas el October 6, 1927
Murió el February 23, 1996 (aged 68)

Birgit Brüel fue una cantante y actriz danesa, conocida internacionalmente por su participación en el Festival de Eurovisión 1965.

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Kaya Brüel

Nombre Kaya
Apellido Brüel
Nacidas el August 30, 1972 (age 51)

Kaya Brüel is a Danish singer, songwriter and actress.

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Per Vilhelm Brüel

Nombre Per
Murió el April 2, 2015 (aged 45)

Per Vilhelm Brüel was a Danish physicist and engineer who pioneered and made fundamental contributions to the development of the physics of sound and vibration. He also formed and founded the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of sound and vibration measurement equipment, systems and solutions, Brüel & Kjær. Brüel was a close friend of Niels Bohr, and despite danger Brüel traveled from Sweden to Denmark during the German occupation with important documents of Bohr's work. Brüel was fluent in Danish, German, English, Swedish, and spoke French and Italian.

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