Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Bromley-davenport

William Bromley-Davenport

Nombre William
Nacidas el August 20, 1821
Murió el June 15, 1884 (aged 62)

William Bromley-Davenport, also known as Davenport and Davenport-Bromley, was an English Conservative politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1864 to 1884.

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Walter Davenport Bromley

Nombre Walter
Nacidas el September 15, 1903
Murió el December 26, 1989 (aged 86)

Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Walter Henry Bromley-Davenport TD DL was a British Conservative Party politician.

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William Bromley-Davenport (British Army officer)

Nombre William
Nacidas el January 21, 1862
Murió el February 6, 1949 (aged 87)
Nacidas en United Kingdom

Brigadier-General Sir William Bromley-Davenport, was a British soldier, footballer and Conservative politician. He fought with distinction in both the Second Boer War and the First World War. An MP from 1886 to 1906, he held political office under Arthur Balfour as Financial Secretary to the War Office from 1903 to 1905.

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Hugh Bromley-Davenport

Nombre Hugh
Nacidas el August 18, 1870
Murió el May 23, 1954 (aged 83)

Hugh Richard Bromley-Davenport was an English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Cambridge University between 1892 and 1893 and Middlesex between 1896 and 1898. He played four Test matches for England, all in South Africa.

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