Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Bayning

Henry Powlett, 3rd Baron Bayning

Nombre Henry
Apellido Bayning
Nacidas el June 8, 1797
Murió el August 5, 1866 (aged 69)

Henry William-Powlett, 3rd Baron Bayning, styled The Honourable until 1823, was a British peer and clergyman.

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No lo conozco

Charles Powlett, 2nd Baron Bayning

Nombre Charles
Apellido Bayning
Nacidas el September 26, 1785
Murió el August 2, 1823 (aged 37)

Charles Frederick Powlett, 2nd Baron Bayning, known as the Honourable Charles Townshend from 1797 to 1810, was a British peer and Tory Member of Parliament.

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No lo conozco
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