Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Bandon

Francis Bernard, 1st Earl of Bandon

Nombre Francis
Apellido Bandon
Nacidas el November 26, 1755
Murió el November 26, 1830 (aged 75)

Francis Bernard, 1st Earl of Bandon was an Irish peer and politician.

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Francis Bernard, 3rd Earl of Bandon

Nombre Francis
Apellido Bandon
Nacidas el January 3, 1810
Murió el February 17, 1877 (aged 67)

Francis Bernard, 3rd Earl of Bandon, styled Viscount Bernard between 1830 and 1856, was an Irish peer and politician.

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James Bernard, 2nd Earl of Bandon

Nombre James
Apellido Bandon
Nacidas el June 14, 1785
Murió el October 31, 1856 (aged 71)

James Bernard, 2nd Earl of Bandon was an Irish Conservative politician who sat in the House of Commons in three periods between 1806 and 1831 and in the House of Lords as a representative peer from 1835 until his death.

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Percy Bernard, 5th Earl of Bandon

Nombre Percy
Apellido Bandon
Nacidas el August 30, 1904
Murió el February 8, 1979 (aged 74)

Air Chief Marshal Percy Ronald Gardner Bernard, 5th Earl of Bandon, was an Anglo-Irish aristocrat who served as a senior commander in the Royal Air Force in the mid-20th century. He was a squadron, station and group commander during the Second World War, and the fifth Commandant of the Royal Observer Corps after the war. He was awarded the American Distinguished Flying Cross and Bronze Star Medal in 1946.

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James Bernard, 4th Earl of Bandon

James Francis Bernard
Nombre James
Apellido Bandon
Nacidas el September 12, 1850
Murió el May 18, 1924 (aged 73)

James Francis Bernard, 4th Earl of Bandon, KP, was a British Deputy Lieutenant in Ireland and Representative Peer. Lord Bandon was a cousin of the Earl of Middleton, who was head of the southern Irish Unionist Alliance at the time of the Anglo-Irish War, 1919–21.

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Robert Bethune, 1st of Bandon

Nombre Robert
Apellido Bandon
Murió el January 1, 1660
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