Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Azusa

Kinpei Azusa

Nombre Kinpei
Nacidas el May 1, 1931
Murió el May 24, 1997 (aged 66)
Nacidas en Japan

Mitsuo Hashimoto , better known by the stage name Kinpei Azusa , was a Japanese voice actor born in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. He was employed by the talent management firm Aoni Production.

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Michiyo Azusa

林 美千代
Nombre Michiyo
Apellido Azusa
Nacidas el June 4, 1943
Murió el January 29, 2020 (aged 76)

Michiyo Azusa was the stage name of Michiyo Hayashi (林美千代), a Japanese singer and actresses known for her 1963 song Konichiwa Akachan, or Hello Baby. Born in Fukuoka, Hayashi trained at the Takarazuka Music School, adopting her stage name when she started her singing career. As well as hits like Konichiwa Akachan, Futari De Osake Wo and Merankorī, she performed in a number of musical films, including Dorufutzzau desu yu! Zen'in Totsugeki of 1969, and continued to produce music into the 1990s, performing Konichiwa Akachan at the 1992 Kōhaku Uta Gassen. Her music spanned a wide range of styles from tango to J-pop.

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Mayuko Azusa

池端 真悠子
Nombre Mayuko
Nacidas el July 26, 1976 (age 48)
Nacidas en Japan
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