Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Antiochia

Corrado di Antiochia

Nombre Corrado
Apellido Antiochia
Nacidas el January 1, 1242
Murió el January 1, 1320 (aged 78)

Conrad of Antioch was a scion of an illegitimate branch of the imperial Staufer dynasty and a nobleman of the Kingdom of Sicily. He was the eldest son of Frederick of Antioch, imperial vicar of Tuscany, and Margherita di Poli. He was thus a grandson of the Emperor Frederick II, a nephew of King Manfred of Sicily (1258–66) and cousin of King Conradin (1266–68). His surname, which is contemporary, comes from his paternal grandmother, a mistress of Frederick II from Antioch. He may be called "Conrad I" to distinguish him from his descendants with the same given name.

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