Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Annenberg

Walter Annenberg

Nombre Walter
Apellido Annenberg
Nacidas el March 13, 1908
Murió el October 1, 2002 (aged 94)

Walter Hubert Annenberg was an American businessman, investor, philanthropist, and diplomat. Annenberg owned and operated Triangle Publications, which included ownership of The Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide, the Daily Racing Form, A+ Magazine, Essence, Star & Sky Magazine, Elementary Electronics, Playboy, The Saturday Evening Post, The Atlantic Monthly, and Seventeen magazine. He was appointed by President Richard Nixon as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom, where he served from 1969 to 1974.

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Sandra Annenberg

Nombre Sandra
Apellido Annenberg
Nacidas el June 5, 1968 (age 56)
Nacidas en Brazil, São Paulo

Sandra Annenberg is a Brazilian newscaster. Since 1982, Sandra has worked for Globo TV, the largest commercial TV network in Brazil, with over 150 million Portuguese speaking viewers in more than 130 countries.

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Leonore Annenberg

Leonore Cohn
Nombre Leonore
Nacidas el February 20, 1918
Murió el March 12, 2009 (aged 91)

Leonore Cohn Annenberg, también conocida como Lee Annenberg, fue una empresaria, diplomática y filántropa estadounidense. Destacó por ser Jefe de Protocolo de los Estados Unidos de 1981 a 1982. Annenberg estaba casada con Walter Annenberg, que era embajador en el Reino Unido y editor de periódicos. También fue presidenta de la Fundación Annenberg desde 2002 hasta 2009

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Moses Annenberg

Nombre Moses
Apellido Annenberg
Murió el July 20, 1942

Moses "Moe" Louis Annenberg was an American newspaper publisher, who purchased The Philadelphia Inquirer, the third-oldest surviving daily newspaper in the United States in 1936. The Inquirer has the sixteenth-largest average weekday U.S. newspaper circulation, and has won eighteen Pulitzer Prizes.

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