Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Amrani

Youssef Amrani

Nombre Youssef
Apellido Amrani
Nacidas el September 23, 1953 (age 71)

Youssef Amrani is a Moroccan diplomat and politician of the Istiqlal Party. Since October 2021, Amrani has served as the Moroccan ambassador to the European Union. He has previously held positions as Morocco's ambassador to South Africa, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. He also held the position as the Delegate-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the cabinet of Abdelilah Benkirane. Before this nomination he worked since 1978 as a civil servant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rabat. He also served as Consul and Ambassador of Morocco to multiple Spanish-speaking countries and was Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean until February 2012.

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Mohammed bin Ismail Al Amrani

Nombre Mohammed
Apellido Amrani
Nacidas el December 22, 1920
Murió el July 12, 2021 (aged 100)
Nacidas en Yemen

Mohammed bin Ismail Al Amrani is a judge and senior Yemen contemporary scholar. He is known by the name Judge Al Almrani; his family originate from the city of Amran in Yemen. His grandfather, a judge in Amran city, moved and settled in Sana’a 1117, the twelfth century of Mohammed's migration — he was the first from his family to be properly educated. Consequently, his descendants maintained the title Amrani since then, but never lived in Amran city.

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Abdellah Amrani

Nombre Abdellah
Nacidas el January 1, 1941
Murió el May 14, 2019 (aged 78)
Nacidas en Morocco, Marrakesh-Safi
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Farida Amrani

Nombre Farida
Apellido Amrani
Nacidas el September 3, 1976 (age 48)

Farida Amrani is a Moroccan-born French trade unionist and politician from La France Insoumise. She has been a Member of Parliament since 2022.

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