Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Aenus

Heraclides of Aenus

Nombre Heraclides
Nacidas el November 30, -0351
Murió el November 30, -0401

Heraclides of Aenus was one of Plato's students. Around 360 BC, he and his brother Python assassinated Cotys I, the ruler of Thrace.

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Pitó d'Enos

Nombre Python
Apellido Aenus
Nacidas el November 30, -0351
Murió el November 30, -0401

Python of Aenus was a Greek philosopher and a former student of Plato. Around 360 BC, he and his brother Heraclides assassinated Cotys I, the ruler of Thrace.

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No lo conozco
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