Lista de Personas Famosas que murieron en 1951

Henrietta Lacks

Loretta Pleasant
Nombre Henrietta
Nacidas el August 1, 1920
Murió el October 4, 1951 (aged 31)

Henrietta Lacks, nacida como Loretta Pleasant, fue una mujer afroamericana donadora involuntaria de células de su tumor canceroso, el cual fue cultivado por George Otto Gey para originar una línea de cultivo celular inmortal. Con las células de Lacks se han realizado más de 70 000 experimentos científicos en todo el mundo.

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Shoeless Joe Jackson

Joseph Jefferson Jackson
Nombre Shoeless
Murió el December 5, 1951

Joseph Jefferson Jackson llamado "Shoeless Joe" fue un pelotero estadounidense de las Grandes Ligas que hizo carrera con los Philadelphia Athletics, Cleveland Indians y Chicago White Sox. Uno de los mejores bateadores de su época, fue uno de los ocho peloteros expulsados permanentemente de las Ligas Mayores por su supuesta participación en el llamado escándalo de los Medias Negras. Ninguno de estos ocho peloteros han sido elegidos para el Salón de la Fama del Béisbol y permanecen en la lista de los permanentemente ineligibles junto a Pete Rose.

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Fanny Brice

Nombre Fanny
Apellido Brice
Nacidas el October 29, 1891
Murió el May 29, 1951 (aged 59)

Fanny Brice fue una influyente cantante, animadora y actriz teatral y cinematográfica estadounidense. Fue la creadora y estrella de la exitosa serie de humor The Baby Snooks Show.

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Herbert K. Pililaau

Nombre Herbert
Apellido Pililaau
Nacidas el October 10, 1928
Murió el September 17, 1951 (aged 22)

Herbert Kailieha Pililaʻau was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in the Korean War. A Native Hawaiian who was born and raised on the island of Oʻahu, he was drafted into the military as a young man. Sent to Korea in early 1951, he participated as an automatic rifleman in the Battle of Bloody Ridge. During the subsequent Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, he voluntarily stayed behind to cover his unit's withdrawal in the face of an intense attack by North Korean forces. Alone, he held off the assault using his automatic rifle and hand grenades and, after exhausting all available ammunition, engaged the attackers in hand to hand combat until being overrun and killed. For these actions, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

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P. L. Robertson

Nombre P.
Apellido Robertson
Nacidas el January 1, 1879
Murió el January 1, 1951 (aged 72)

Peter Lymburner Robertson was a Canadian inventor, industrialist, salesman, and philanthropist who popularized the square-socket drive for screws, often called the Robertson drive. Although a square-socket drive had been conceived decades before, it had never been developed into a commercial success because the design was difficult to manufacture. Robertson's efficient manufacturing technique using cold forming for the screw's head is what made the idea a commercial success. He produced his screws in his Milton, Ontario, factory starting in 1908. The brand has been sold over the years, and the manufacturing for the present corporation is done in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China; but the Milton, Ontario, building was still a head office for a long time before moving to nearby Burlington, Ontario.

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Philippe Pétain

Henri Philippe Bénoni Omer Joseph Pétain
Nombre Philippe
Apellido Pétain
Nacidas el April 24, 1856
Murió el July 23, 1951 (aged 95)
Nacidas en France, Hauts-de-France

Philippe Pétain fue un general y Jefe del Estado francés.

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Abanindranath Tagore

Nombre Abanindranath
Nacidas el August 7, 1871
Murió el December 5, 1951 (aged 80)
Nacidas en India

Abanindranath Tagore was the principal artist and creator of the "Indian Society of Oriental Art". He was also the first major exponent of Swadeshi values in Indian art, thereby founding the influential Bengal school of art, which led to the development of modern Indian painting. He was also a noted writer, particularly for children. Popularly known as 'Aban Thakur', his books Rajkahini, Budo Angla, Nalak, and Khirer Putul were landmarks in Bengali language children's literature and art.

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Eddy Duchin

Nombre Eddy
Apellido Duchin
Murió el February 9, 1951

Edwin Frank Duchin was an American jazz pianist and bandleader during the 1930s and 1940s.

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Will Keith Kellogg

Nombre Will
Apellido Kellogg
Nacidas el April 7, 1860
Murió el October 6, 1951 (aged 91)

William Keith Kellogg, llamado generalmente W. K. Kellogg fue un industrial estadounidense especializado en la fabricación de alimentos.

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Abala Bose

Nombre Abala
Nacidas el April 8, 1864
Murió el August 26, 1951 (aged 87)

Abala, Lady Bose was an Indian social worker. She was known for her efforts in women's education and her contribution towards helping widows.

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