Lista de Personas Famosas que murieron en 1942

Carola Neher

Nombre Carola
Apellido Neher
Nacidas el November 2, 1900
Murió el June 26, 1942 (aged 41)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Carola Neher fue una actriz de nacionalidad alemana, que conoció la fama en el Berlín de los primeros años 1930. Huyendo del Tercer Reich, se refugió en la Unión Soviética, donde el régimen estalinista la envió a morir al gulag durante la Gran Purga.

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Frank Goettge

Nombre Frank
Apellido Goettge
Nacidas el December 30, 1895
Murió el August 12, 1942 (aged 46)

Frank Bryan Goettge was a United States Marine Corps intelligence officer in World War II. He led the ill-fated Goettge Patrol in the early days of the Guadalcanal campaign, and was killed during that operation.

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Thomas Frank Durrant

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Durrant
Nacidas el October 17, 1918
Murió el March 28, 1942 (aged 23)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Thomas Frank Durrant VC was a soldier in the British Army during the Second World War and a posthumous English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. His award of the Victoria Cross was unique in that it is the only award given to a soldier in a naval action. It was also unusual, though not unique, in having been suggested by a German officer.

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Guy Fort

Nombre Guy
Apellido Fort
Nacidas el January 1, 1879
Murió el November 11, 1942 (aged 63)

Guy O. Fort was a brigadier general in the Philippine Army under the control of the United States Army Forces in the Far East. Fort led the 81st Division (Philippines) during the initial Battle of the Philippines. Ordered by his higher command to surrender, Fort was taken prisoner by Japanese forces. His captors demanded Fort help persuade his former soldiers engaged in guerrilla warfare to stop resisting the occupation. Fort refused and was executed by firing squad. Fort is the only American-born general officer to be executed by enemy forces.

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Bill Kibby

Nombre Bill
Apellido Kibby
Nacidas el April 15, 1903
Murió el October 31, 1942 (aged 39)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

William Henry Kibby, VC was a British-born Australian recipient of the Victoria Cross during World War II, the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that could be awarded to a member of the Australian armed forces at the time. Kibby emigrated to South Australia with his parents in early 1914 and worked as an interior decorator and served in the part-time Militia prior to World War II. In 1940, he enlisted in the all-volunteer Second Australian Imperial Force and joined the 2/48th Infantry Battalion. His unit was sent to the Middle East, but soon after arriving, Kibby broke his leg and spent the next year recovering and undergoing further training while his battalion took part in the North African campaign. He rejoined his unit when it was serving on garrison duties in northern Syria after its involvement in the Siege of Tobruk, but in June 1942 it was sent to Egypt and recommitted to the North Africa campaign. Kibby was with the battalion during the First Battle of El Alamein in July.

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Teddy Sheean

Nombre Teddy
Nacidas el December 28, 1923
Murió el December 1, 1942 (aged 18)
Nacidas en Australia, Tasmania

Edward "Teddy" Sheean, was a sailor in the Royal Australian Navy during the Second World War. Born in Tasmania, Sheean was employed as a farm labourer when he enlisted in the Royal Australian Naval Reserve in April 1941. Following training at HMAS Derwent and the Flinders Naval Depot, he was posted to Sydney, where he joined the newly commissioned corvette HMAS Armidale in June 1942. Sheean served aboard Armidale as she took part in escort duties along the eastern Australian coast and in New Guinea waters. In October he transferred with the ship to Darwin, where Armidale was tasked with assisting Australian operations in Timor.

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Mikhail Panikakha

Nombre Mikhail
Apellido Panikakha
Nacidas el January 1, 1914
Murió el October 2, 1942 (aged 28)

Mikhail Averyanovich Panikakha was a Red Army soldier. He was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for destroying a German tank with two Molotov cocktails while on fire during the Battle of Stalingrad.

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Edith Stein

Nombre Edith
Apellido Stein
Nacidas el October 12, 1891
Murió el August 9, 1942 (aged 50)

Edith Stein, de nombre religioso Teresa Benedicta de la Cruz, fue una filósofa, mística, religiosa carmelita descalza, mártir y santa alemana de origen judío.

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Jamnalal Bajaj

Nombre Jamnalal
Nacidas el November 4, 1884
Murió el February 11, 1942 (aged 57)
Nacidas en India

Jamnalal Bajaj was an Indian industrialist. He founded the Bajaj Group of companies in the 1920s, and the group now has 24 companies, including six that are listed on the bourses. He was also a close and beloved associate of Mahatma Gandhi, who is known to have often declared that Jamnalal was his fifth son.

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Gordon Cummins

Nombre Gordon
Apellido Cummins
Nacidas el January 1, 1914
Murió el June 25, 1942 (aged 28)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Gordon Frederick Cummins, conocido como Blackout Killer, fue un asesino en serie que asesinó cuatro mujeres en Londres en 1942. Tiene etiquetas con Jack el Destripador porque ambos asesinos mutilaron a sus víctimas.

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