Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Traverse City

Carter Oosterhouse

Nombre Carter
Apellido Oosterhouse
Nacidas el September 19, 1976 (age 47)

Carter Nicholas Oosterhouse is an American television personality and former model, who was born in Traverse City, Michigan. Oosterhouse first gained national fame as a carpenter on the TLC series Trading Spaces and has hosted other home improvement and how-to television shows. In 2008, he was host of three HGTV network shows: Carter Can, Red Hot & Green, and Million Dollar Rooms.

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Guy Fort

Nombre Guy
Apellido Fort
Nacidas el January 1, 1879
Murió el November 11, 1942 (aged 63)

Guy O. Fort was a brigadier general in the Philippine Army under the control of the United States Army Forces in the Far East. Fort led the 81st Division (Philippines) during the initial Battle of the Philippines. Ordered by his higher command to surrender, Fort was taken prisoner by Japanese forces. His captors demanded Fort help persuade his former soldiers engaged in guerrilla warfare to stop resisting the occupation. Fort refused and was executed by firing squad. Fort is the only American-born general officer to be executed by enemy forces.

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Dan Majerle

Nombre Dan
Apellido Majerle
Nacidas el September 9, 1965 (age 58)
Altura 198 cm | 6'6

Daniel Lewis "Dan" Majerle es un exjugador y entrenador de baloncesto estadounidense de la década de los 90. Con su 1,98 m y sus 100 kg de peso, jugaba en las posiciones de base y escolta. Se retiró en 2002. Se le apodó Thunder (trueno), por su rapidez en armar el brazo para anotar de 3 puntos. De 2013 a 2020 fue entrenador principal de los Grand Canyon Antelopes de la NCAA.

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Barry Watson

Nombre Barry
Apellido Watson
Nacidas el April 23, 1974 (age 50)

Michael Barrett Watson más conocido como Barry Watson, es un actor estadounidense, más conocido por sus roles de Matt Camden en 7th Heaven, Brian Davis en What About Brian y Todd en Samantha Who?.

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David Wayne

Wayne James McMeekan
Nombre David
Apellido Wayne
Nacidas el January 30, 1914
Murió el February 9, 1995 (aged 81)

David Wayne fue un actor estadounidense cuya carrera interpretativa abarcó un período de más de cincuenta años.

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Jeremy Davies

Nombre Jeremy
Apellido Davies
Nacidas el October 8, 1969 (age 54)
Altura 173 cm | 5'8

Jeremy Davies es un actor estadounidense. Es conocido por retratar al cabo Timothy E. Upham en Saving Private Ryan y al físico Daniel Faraday en la serie Lost. También apareció en la serie de FX Justified, como Dickie Bennett, por la que fue nominado dos veces para un Primetime Emmy Award y ganó en 2012.

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William Milliken

Nombre William
Apellido Milliken
Nacidas el March 26, 1922
Murió el October 18, 2019 (aged 97)

William Grawn Milliken was an American businessman and politician who served as the 44th governor of Michigan. A member of the Republican Party, he is the longest-serving governor in Michigan history, serving more than three full four-year terms from 1969 to 1983. During this period he dealt with dramatic changes to the state economy, due to industrial restructuring and challenges to the auto industry, resulting in loss of jobs and population from Detroit, the state's largest city. He also oversaw the PBB crisis and adopted a policy of environmental protection and conservation.

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