Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Shaoxing

Chen Min'er

Nombre Chen
Apellido Min'er
Nacidas el September 29, 1960 (age 64)

Chen Min'er is a Chinese politician, currently serving as the Communist Party Secretary of Chongqing, an interior region governed as a municipality. Chen spent most of his career in his native Zhejiang province, serving as head of the provincial department of propaganda, and Vice Governor of Zhejiang. In 2013, he was transferred to Guizhou as governor, and in 2015 promoted to provincial Communist Party Secretary. Chen was catapulted to prominence in 2017 in the aftermath of the ouster of Chongqing party chief Sun Zhengcai, a move that made him well-positioned for further elevation.

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Xie Jin

Nombre Xie
Apellido Jin
Nacidas el November 21, 1923
Murió el October 18, 2008 (aged 84)

Xie Jin fue un director de cine chino.

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Hu Lancheng

Nombre Hu
Apellido Lancheng
Nacidas el February 28, 1906
Murió el July 25, 1981 (aged 75)

Hu Lancheng was a Chinese writer and politician who was denounced as a traitor for serving a propaganda official in the Wang Jingwei regime, the Japanese puppet regime during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He was the first husband of the celebrated novelist Eileen Chang.

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Huang Qifan

Nombre Huang
Apellido Qifan
Nacidas el May 1, 1952 (age 72)

Huang Qifan is a Chinese politician, best known for his term as the Mayor of Chongqing, one of China's four directly-controlled municipalities, between 2010 and 2016. Huang began his political career in Shanghai and was transferred to Chongqing in 2001 as its Deputy Mayor, before being promoted to Mayor in 2010.

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Wei Jianxing

Nombre Wei
Apellido Jianxing
Nacidas el January 2, 1931
Murió el August 7, 2015 (aged 84)

Wei Jianxing fue un activo dirigente del Partido Comunista de China, en la década de 1980 y 1990. Ocupó una serie de importantes cargos, incluyendo miembro del Comité Permanente del Buró Político del Comité Central, la Secretaría de la Comisión Central para la Inspección Disciplinaria, la Secretaría del Partido Comunista de Beijing y la presidencia de la Federación Nacional de Sindicatos.

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Ding Zhongli

Nombre Ding
Apellido Zhongli
Nacidas el January 14, 1957 (age 68)

Ding Zhongli is a Chinese geologist and politician. He is a Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress, and a vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Zhong Shan

Nombre Zhong
Apellido Shan
Nacidas el November 30, 1954 (age 70)

Zhong Shan is a Chinese politician and business executive, who served as the Commerce Minister of the People's Republic of China from February 2017 to December 2020.

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Yao Wenyuan

Nombre Yao
Apellido Wenyuan
Nacidas el December 11, 1931
Murió el December 23, 2005 (aged 74)

Yao Wenyuan fue un político comunista chino, y uno de los miembros de la Banda de los Cuatro, un grupo de oficiales maoístas de la línea dura que guiaron las acciones estatales de la República Popular China en los años antes la muerte de Mao Zedong. En su vida profesional Yao fue un crítico literario, y aprovechó su reconocimiento público para desempeñar un papel central en la Revolución Cultural (1966-1976).

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Huang Fu

Nombre Huang
Apellido Fu
Nacidas el March 8, 1883
Murió el December 6, 1936 (aged 53)

Huang Fu fue un político y general de a comienzos de la República de China y fue Presidente y Primer Ministro de la República de China.

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Zhang Zhixiang

Nombre Zhang
Apellido Zhixiang
Fortuna $2.4B

Zhang Zhixiang, is a Chinese entrepreneur. He's regarded as the Magnate of Steel in China.

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