Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Northland

Keith Urban

Keith Lionel Urban
Nombre Keith
Apellido Urban
Nacidas el October 26, 1967 (age 57)
Altura 174 cm | 5'9

Keith Lionel Urban es un cantante de música country neozelandés radicado en Australia. Durante cuatro temporadas fue parte del jurado de American Idol.

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Laura Dekker

Nombre Laura
Apellido Dekker
Nacidas el September 20, 1995 (age 29)

Laura Dekker es una navegante neozelandesa conocida por circunavegar en solitario la Tierra en 2010-2012.

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Winston Peters

Nombre Winston
Apellido Peters
Nacidas el April 11, 1945 (age 79)

Winston Raymond Peters es un político neozelandés, quien se ha desempeñado como vice primer ministro de Nueva Zelanda en dos ocasiones, así como ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.

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Lawrence Weathers

Nombre Lawrence
Apellido Weathers
Nacidas el May 14, 1890
Murió el September 29, 1918 (aged 28)

Lawrence Carthage Weathers, was a New Zealand-born Australian recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry in battle that could be awarded to a member of the Australian armed forces at the time. His parents returned to their native South Australia when Weathers was seven, and he completed his schooling before obtaining work as an undertaker in Adelaide. He enlisted as a private in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in early 1916, and joined the 43rd Battalion. His unit deployed to the Western Front in France and Belgium in late December. After a bout of illness, Weathers returned to his battalion in time to take part in the Battle of Messines in June 1917, during which he was wounded. Evacuated to the United Kingdom, he rejoined his unit in early December.

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Lloyd Allan Trigg

Nombre Lloyd
Apellido Trigg
Nacidas el May 5, 1914
Murió el August 11, 1943 (aged 29)

Flying Officer Lloyd Allan Trigg VC DFC, of Houhora, New Zealand, was a pilot in the RNZAF during World War II. He was a posthumous recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy for British and Commonwealth armed forces, and received the award for pressing home an attack on a German U-boat in August 1943. He was killed in the action. His award is unique, as it was awarded on evidence solely provided by the enemy, for an action in which there were no surviving Allied witnesses to corroborate his gallantry.

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Blair Tuke

Nombre Blair
Apellido Tuke
Nacidas el July 25, 1989 (age 35)

Blair Tuke es un deportista neozelandés que compite en vela en la clase 49er.

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Whina Cooper

Nombre Whina
Nacidas el December 9, 1895
Murió el March 26, 1994 (aged 98)

Whina Cooper, activista, maestra e historiadora neozelandesa.

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Jim Peters

Nombre Jim
Apellido Peters
Nacidas el January 1, 1937 (age 88)

James Leonard Peters is a New Zealand educator and politician. Born in Kawakawa, he is of Ngāti Wai and Clan McInnes descent.

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Lynette Stewart

Nombre Lynette
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Tammy Jenkins

Nombre Tammy
Nacidas el August 26, 1971 (age 53)

Tammy Jenkins is a badminton player from New Zealand. She competed at the 1994 Commonwealth Games in Victoria, Canada. At the 1998 Commonwealth Games she won a bronze medal partnering Rhona Robertson in women's doubles. Four years later at the 2002 Commonwealth Games, she won another bronze medal in the mixed team.

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